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Dr. Tom Holloway

Best Selling Author, Leadership Speaker & Coach

Book Dr. Tom for Speaking, Podcast Appearances or Coaching

Dr. Tom Holloway

Leadership Speaker

Best Selling Author

Tom’s Ph.D. is in Chemistry, which he taught at a prestigious liberal arts college for 6 years. There, he completed the aviation ground school and passed the written exam for the Private Pilot license.

He then moved to the Environmental Protection Agency, first in a staff position as a data analyst, where he translated mountains of data into useful decision-making information. When promoted to supervisor, he found that working with people is “a much more complex form of Chemistry”!

Later, at the Federal Aviation Administration, he led the nationwide policy office for environmental compliance, energy conservation and employee safety, as well as natural resources, cultural resources, and tribal consultation.  As part of the employee safety responsibilities, Tom recruited and led the team that produced one of the largest and most effective defibrillator programs in the United States.  That sustainable program now has more than 1,800 defibrillators at over 400 facilities and 5,200 volunteer lay responders.

In his book “53 Keys to Leadership,” he shares some of the key lessons he learned from his leadership career, so that you don’t have to learn everything the hard way.  He helps you see better ways to approach problems so that you can get better results.  The book launched as an Amazon #1 Bestseller in seven categories.


What Others are Saying About Dr. Tom

More About Dr. Tom Holloway

Dr. Tom Holloway is an authentic, adventurous, affirming leadership speaker and coach. He delights in helping people develop skills to live with excellence.

Tom loves equipping people with skills for personal and organizational excellence, including how to succeed in difficult conversations.  He earned trainer certification for Crucial Accountability and other related courses. Crucial Accountability teaches us how to hold ourselves and others accountable for the commitments we make and do so in a way that gets both good results and good relationships.  Another course, Influencer:  The New Science of Leading Change, provides a systematic structure and process for making significant.  changes in our lives, our work and our organizations.  The underlying research found that leaders who use at least four of the six sources of influence are up to ten times more successful in their change efforts than those who use just one source and give up.  That training was essential to the success of the defibrillator program described above.

To honor his late wife Elaine, Tom published the book “53 Keys to a Lasting Marriage, 53 (imperfect) Years and Counting” in 2022.

Diagnosed later in life with adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), he understands both the challenges and the great resources that this neural condition presents.  His coaches have helped him to maximize the benefits and manage the difficulties.

A Distinguished Toastmaster, Tom has won numerous speech contests. More importantly, he has developed practical leadership skills at the Club, Area, Division, and District levels through training, coaching and hands-on experience.

As a Lymphoma survivor, Tom has first-hand experience with making major changes to improve health, and has applied the principles of “Influencer” (now titled “Crucial Influence” both personally and professionally).

A member of GraceWay Baptist Church near Washington, DC’s Capitol Hill, Tom is grateful for what God has done in the church’s first eight years, and excited for what God will do in the coming years to bless the city, the nation, and the world.

What Can You Expect When You Hire Me As Your Coach?


My coaches have helped me greatly and I want to help you too!

Coaching offers you the following benefits:

  • Encouragement and structure to identify and fulfill your God-given purpose
  • Clarity of vision and specific goals
  • Practical steps to reach those goals
  • Positive, respectful accountability for our commitments
  • A safe, objective sounding board.

At a typical session, I will start by asking what wins you are celebrating since last time, and what will be the most productive use of our time in this session.  I’ll ask you about progress toward the specific goals you set at the previous session, ask about any areas where you feel stuck, explore what is getting in the way, and discuss options and resources to overcome the obstacle(s).  We will talk through specific goals you want to achieve before the next session and answer any questions you have.  (Sometimes, the answer will be “I don’t know yet, but let’s brainstorm, research it, and figure it out together.”)  As Marie Forleo says: “Everything is figure-out-able!”

To get started, schedule a free Discovery session.

Dr. Tom Holloway


In this book, you will explore the advice, insights, experiences, Scriptures and other resources that helped Elaine and me in our 53+ years of marriage. 

Many of the principles apply to the wider field of relationships.

I hope that these nuggets will help you avoid some of the mistakes I have made so that you  don’t have to learn from those mistakes the hard way. 

What Others are Saying About Tom

“If you’re ready to positively transform your life, then read and absorb the strategies in this brilliant book by my friend Tom Holloway!  Tom truly cares about helping others and his ideas will make a positive difference in your life!”

James Malinchak
Featured on ABC’s Hit TV Show, “Secret Millionaire”
Authored 25 Books, Delivered 3,000 Presentations & 2,000 Consultations,
Best-Selling Author, Millionaire Success Secrets,

“Several years ago, I had a neighbor stop by with an offer to do the landscaping and maintenance of my yard. I politely turned him down for one primary reason, his property was a disaster. Why would I listen to someone when they have clearly not implemented their advertised talent in their own life?
Tom is just the opposite. After 53 years of a thriving marriage to Elaine, his property is Yard of the Month! He has brilliantly implemented his advertised talent in his own life. Thus, he is someone worth listening to as I have. I strongly recommend considering him as a coach, an author, and a speaker.”
E. John Teichert, Brigadier General (ret)

Founder and President, Capital Leadership, LLC, Bestselling author of “Boom!: Leadership that Breaks Barriers, Challenges Convention, and Ignites Innovation”

“My wife Deborah and I are excited about the launch of this book ’53 Keys to a Lasting Marriage:  53 (imperfect) Years and Counting.’   Tom and his beautiful late wife Elaine have lived a life of godliness and integrity and have so many incredible keys that they want to invest and instill in you.  We want to encourage you to get this book.

On the front cover we have a heart that’s a padlock.   Each of our hearts are locked up because of security issues (previous hurts and failures),  but there’s a key and there’s a keyhole.  Tom brings out 53 beautiful keys – authentic keys harvested through a lifetime of study, decades of marriage and work.   It is a privilege and honor to recommend this book to you.”

Brad Wells

Pastor of GraceWay Baptist Church, Washington, DC.

“Tom, thank you for putting this book together. This is amazing.  The keys are short, easy to grasp, and each one is impactful.  I spent time reading through them and trying to implement them in my life.   I remember something you said years ago and it’s right here on the Forgiveness page. ‘A good marriage is made up of two good forgivers.’ I remember you telling me that personally as I was complimenting you on your marriage with Elaine and I have relied on that statement in different situations over the last couple of years.

I really believe that this book is going to help a lot of marriages and I really appreciate Tom putting the time into putting it together. It’s well done and there’s a lot of room for personal notes.  You may want to  write down when a key impacted you and write out a prayer of how you want God to use that in your life.  Or maybe write down a need that you have and just see how God uses this in your life – ’53 Keys to a Lasting Marriage’  Get the book!”

Deborah Wells

First Lady of GraceWay Baptist Church, Washington, DC



(571) 234-1473
